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Outreach and Communications

Colorado Emergency Watershed Protection Program

screen-shot-2016-12-13-at-12-42-28-pmAcclivity is the communications lead for Resilient Watershed Partners, a team of Colorado consultants contracted by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to assist the State in implementing Phase II of the Natural Resources Conservation Service Emergency Watershed Protection Program. The team provides the CWCB, watershed coalitions, and local governments with technical assistance services to complete projects that fulfill the program mission and achieve long-term objectives in watershed protection, restoration, and resiliency. Julie Baxter leads the team to support the CWCB with the following: external communications activities including stakeholder engagement, development of materials, and meeting planning; coordination with watershed coalitions and communities; and development and management of a program website for internal and external users.


Flood by Numbers Exhibit

screen-shot-2016-12-13-at-12-44-07-pmFlood by Numbers is a 100 sq-ft exhibit portraying the devastating nature of flooding in the United States through the use of dynamic graphics, first person audio narratives, and printed materials. Acclivity created the Flood By Numbers exhibit to communicate the tremendous impact of flood disasters on life-safety, property, infrastructure, and society and to compel individuals to act on their own behalf. The numbers say so much—floods are deadly and costly—and incredible amounts of people and resources are deployed in response.